
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tag Post - Then and Now

Hey guys! I saw this tag post floating around on a few of my favourite blogs lately and I decided to join in, because I was looking through my photos the other day and I found some awfully hilarious nail fails. The point of this tag post is to post a picture of your nails when you first started taking pictures of them, and one now!
OKAY? These claws? Did I think I was some sort of cat? Yikes..This is some China Glaze colour that's actually really nice, I should try it on some more tamed nails. Keep reading after the jump.

This picture just SCARES many things wrong, the nail shape, the application, the poorly done konad flower, the lighting.. I'm ashamed to have showed off OPI Funky Dunkey like this.

China Glaze For Audrey, I think I have finally learned how to hold a nail polish bottle!

This was the first water marble I ever did and I wasn't even taking it very seriously. (Obviously)

Again, it's called painting your nails not all the skin around your nails! So glad I have learned how to clean up a mani!

Oh winter, is this what you do to my nails? Oh please don't let them ever look this bad again.

This was much more recently, just this past May 2011. Flooded cuticles but pretty nice application and a decent picture, not great, but passable. China Glaze Pelican Gray.

Finally, last week (October 2011) with Revlon Facets of Fuchsia. A nice clean mani, with much better nail shape. I'm so embarrassed of some of those pictures, WOW. I know I haven't been at this for long but I definitely see places where I have improved, and I hope I can continue to keep improving! I would like to tag MANDY to do this too and also all of you! Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my.. nail fails. Thanks for reading! 

1 comment:

  1. That is a HUGE improvement! I hope I can improve like you did, too :)
