
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Let Me In to Pottermore Already!

Is anyone else getting frustrated? I know I know I should have gotten into the Beta but I was in South America with no internet for most of the time! I guess I'll have to wait like the rest of the millions of fans :P Anyone else impatiently awaiting access to Pottermore? Here's a mani that I did this summer when I went to the midnight 3D premiere of Harry Potter 7 Part II with my best friend! That was a great night, and thank god I got these pics taken that day because my camera got stolen the next day at the Calgary Stampede and I lost all my photos that I took at the screening of the movie :(. At least I have the memories..and some pics of some interesting nail art to show you in the third installment of my retroactive blogging!
My thumb is a golden snitch, the Deathly Hallows symbol is on my index finger, my middle finger is for Gryffindor and my ring finger (not coincidentally people!) is for Slytherin and the love of my life Draco Malfoy, and my pink has a feebly done lightning bolt. I don't remember all of the colours I used but I know a few were OPI Bogotá Blackberry, China Glaze Emerald Fitzgerald, China Glaze Liquid Leather, Sally Hansen Gilty Pleasure, Revlon Metallic and Art Deco nail art brush in White. Look at that, maybe I did remember them all.

Due to my (and Mandy's) retail job this past summer my thumbnail was more often than not a victim of fitting room doors and this is in its awkward growing back stage.
Love and Magic, Nikki

1 comment:

  1. Pottermore... oh, you rascal. I was so excited for it - entered my name for the beta on the first night! - but it is totally not worth it. All that is good is a couple tidbits from JKR and getting sorted. It's definitely still a beta and much needs to be done, in my opinion, before they open it up to everyone.
    Love your nails, still! :D
