Hey everyone! Sorry once again for my absence, I'm prepping for something pretty big coming up here on the blog starting on August 1st, and I figured that before I undertake this challenge of sorts I should figure out a watermark, so here I am experimenting in these photos!
I recently came across an entire bucket of craft scissors that I thought my mom had long thrown out, and I knew that I wanted to do a tape mani with them.

This is Zoya Megan, Zoya Tracie, and OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls.
I didn't really plan for them to match up like what ended up happening on my pinky, it gives a more put together look but I like both of them.
These are the scissors I used, the pattern is called Victorian.
What do you think of my fun and fancy tape mani? Do you have any guesses as to what kind of project I'm going to be undertaking this August on the blog? :)
THis is very cool! I love the colors and such a different design! NICE!